Accent Sunday School Curriculum
Where the Bible is the sole authority.
Accent curriculum prepares students to learn and apply God's Word using Scripture exclusive to the King James Version. With emphasis on a commitment to the inspiration of Scripture, students build a foundation understanding that the Bible is the sole authority for faith and practice.
What makes Accent distinct?
- Scripture exclusive to the King James Version
- Doctrinal statements include:
- Total depravity of humanity
- Eternal security of the believer
- Ecclesiastical separation of the church
- Personal separation from the world
- Autonomy of the local church
- Two ordinances only: believer's baptism by immersion and Communion
- Salvational emphasis uses biblical concepts of sin, atonement, grace, and faith
- High view of Scripture (verbal, plenary inspiration, inerrant, authoritative)
- Dispensational, premillennial, and pre-tribulational
- Conservative position on lifestyle issues
- Conservative dress and styles depicted in lessons
- Encourages students of all ages to be learners of God’s Word and be mission-minded
- Easy-to-use 3-step lessons
Quick Links
- View the current Scope & Sequence
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- Get answers to your questions from a Friendly Ministry Consultant
2s & 3s (Ages 2-3) Sample
$ 0.00
Junior (Grades 5 & 6) Sample
$ 0.00